Chris mentioned the other day that he hadn't taken any pictures of the changing leaves (and they're changing quick!) so the other day, I went out with the sole (well, the riding wasn't bad either) purpose of taking pictures of yellow leaves and pretty views.
Ironically, it was nearly the same ride I did the day I got sick and I found myself struggling up the slightest incline. I could barely stay ahead of a guy pushing his bike up the 401 climb. This time around, I was surprised when I popped out of the trees long before I was expecting to.
At the bottom, I gulped at the thought of the three humps to get out from Gothic. The 300 foot vertical gain over three miles had crushed me two weeks prior. This time, I had to shake me head at how sick I must have been that first day when my stomach gave up on me.
But the stomach does seem to be back and for that I'm grateful.
Spectacular!...thanks for sharing Eszter!
Posted by: Buzz | September 09, 2012 at 09:29 PM
Now, they're spending almost $2 billion to upgrade amenities for their highest-paying customers.
Posted by: belstaff españa | November 12, 2012 at 10:44 PM